Thursday, October 1, 2009


Hey dudes & dudettes, Dhiri here. Thanx for all of your comments, we will try our best to improve. And to all the spammers,thanks for your dumbass comments. If you really think that we are not good, just say, don't need to be scared one. But next time, put your name. Anyways these are the latest updates for the band. Currently, Narinpal and I are saving money to buy new electric guitars, so we are saving every cent that we get and thats why we bring food from home and practically starve ourselves. If you guys wanna help us out, you can donate money. Haha. not really. But if you really want to then maximum $2. ALL MEMBERS MUST CONTRIBUTE!!!! Ya, I think thats about all. I'll try to update often, Good Luck For End Of Year Exams & 'O' Levels

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